1. Choosing the right car park
The gates are labelled 'THE FIELD' and 'THE PADDOCK'. Enter the gate made on your booking. Make sure that the carpark is empty before entering.
2. Enter Code
The code will be sent to your email 1 hour before your session.
Enter the code in the gate and turn the lever until latch opens.
3. Park
Drive in and park up. Before letting your dog out please make sure the gate is securely shut behind you.
4. Enter the Field
You're set! ready to enter the field.
5. Picking up dog waste
Please collect all your dog waste and put it in the dog waste bins provided to you. Dog poo bags are available in both of the shelters
6. Leaving the field
Please vacate the field when your allotted time is up.
7 Leaving the car park
To exit the field you will require he same code you used to enter. Please close all gates behind you when you leave, even if someone is waiting.