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​You and your dog’s safety are our number one priority. By making a booking for a session at The Dog Field at Ewen you are automatically agreeing to the Terms and Conditions. Any violation to these Terms and Conditions may lead to removal of all future rights to use the secure field.


​All bookings and payments are to be made via the website when booking – the secure fields can only be used once it has been booked and paid for.
Cancellation or rescheduling can only be made more than 24 hours prior to your booked session. Bookings are non-transferable to others.
You will be asked for a car registration number on booking so please arrive using the car detailed.
Please DO NOT arrive more than 5 minutes before your allocated time slot and turn off your car engine while waiting.
You will receive a code (which is changed regularly) for the gate prior to your session (via email).​​​

Field usage

The use of the secure dog field is strictly by appointment and prepayment only. You are unable to turn up without notice and will not be granted access.
The business reserves the right to withdraw permission to use the paddock at their discretion.
No subletting of the field is allowed.
The fields perimeter fencing is checked daily to ensure cleanliness and security, if you have any concerns or to report any damages please notify us.
On arrival please do not enter the car park until previous customer has vacated to reduce distress and noise from dog interaction.
Please close all gates behind you when entering and exiting the field. 
The business provides a dog waste bin, all waste must be picked up and placed into this bin. CCTV surveillance is in operation. Failure to pick up your dog’s poo may lead to removal of all future rights to use the paddock.
The field has been placed so that there very limited distractions outside of the perimeter to avoid distress to your pet which could create noise or unwanted behaviour.

Please remove all toys, treats and training aids when leaving the paddock. Please keep this a clean and safe environment.
Excessive digging, biting of fencing and intended damage to the equipment is not acceptable.

The Owner/Handler

Please arrive and leave the paddock promptly and on time.
Children are welcome at the field and under 16’s but must be always supervised by an adult.
A maximum of 6 dogs are allowed in the field during a session.
Please keep noise to a minimum.
We do not tolerate rude or abusive behaviour towards any staff member or other dog owners, we take this very seriously.
In the instance your dog does become loud or distressed please gain control as soon as possible to calm the situation, if the situation does not calm, please vacate the field for the welfare of the dog and to not disturb local residents, wildlife and disrupt the next customer.

The Dog’s Health and Welfare

We require all dogs to be immunised before using the paddock. Please ensure your dog(s) are up-to-date with ‘worm’ treatments before using our fields for the health and safety of other dogs and people.

If your dog or, any dog it lives with, is showing signs of kennel cough, diarrhoea or vomiting you must cancel your session. If this is later than the 24 hours please contact us.

Please ensure that your dog(s) are checked and treated regularly against fleas & ticks.

When not in the enclosed paddock all dogs must be always kept in their vehicles or on a lead.

Do not leave your dog unattended in the paddock at any time.

Harsh handling of dogs either verbal or physical is not allowed.


Dangerous Dog Breeds

All breeds which identify as a Dangerous dog breed under any dangerous dog breed acts must agree and follow the terms found here:


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